Member Poll

Poll: Changing Our Ring's Name

 A majority of our I.B.M. Ring 13 Board of Directors held a special meeting, and we are seeking the input of all current, Ring 13 members on the following recommendation. 

Our Ring 13 Board of Directors recommends that we begin the process to change the name of our organization from its current name, “I.B.M. TAMPA Ring 13,” to “I.B.M. Ring 13 – The Tampa-Greenberg Ring,” in honor of one of our most dedicated members, Jack K. Greenberg, who has been a member of Ring 13 for the past 78 years, who served as International President of the I.B.M. (2000-2001), and who has steadfastly exhibited a lifelong commitment and contributions to our Ring, to the I.B.M., and to the art of magic. 

We are contacting you, as a current member in good standing, to invite you to participate in an online vote on the following recommendation by our Ring 13 Board of Directors: 

A majority of the I.B.M. Ring 13 Board of Directions recommends that we begin the process to change the name of our organization from “I.B.M. TAMPA Ring 13” to “I.B.M. Ring 13 – The Tampa-Greenberg Ring” and, if approved, to announce this proposed name change during a special presentation at the 2023 I.B.M. Annual Convention in Pittsburgh, July 12-15. 

Please go to this online poll before Friday, June 30, to cast your vote on this recommendation. 


Please note that Jack Greenberg has not been informed of this proposed name change, and we ask that you please do not discuss or communicate this proposed name change in any manner or in any public forum that might be leaked or disclosed to Jack before a proposed, surprise announcement and presentation during next month’s Convention. 

If desired, the Board can further discuss the background and rationale behind this proposed name change during our upcoming, regular monthly meeting on Thursday, July 6, after Jack has left the meeting. Again, please do not discuss this name change publicly or in any way that might disclose this plan to Jack. Thank you!

If this name change proposal is approved by our members, a separate motion will be made to amend our Ring Constitution (Article 1 Name, Sec. 1) as appropriate, along with a number of other proposed changes and revisions to our current Ring 13  Constitution and By-Laws (a review is currently in progress), in accordance with our current Constitution (Article VII Amendments, Sec. 1). 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ring President Eric Meredith or Ring Secretary Mark Zajicek directly.

Mark Zajicek
Secretary, I.B.M. Ring 13 (Pittsburgh PA)

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